1. IDT does not discriminate against any California consumer who exercises any of the consumer’s rights under the CCPA. Pursuant to the CCPA IDT is permitted to (a) charge a consumer a different price or rate and/or provide a different level of service to the consumer if that difference is reasonably related to the value provided to the consumer by the consumer’s data, (b) offer loyalty, rewards, premium features, discounts, or club card programs to its customers, and (c) offer financial incentives, including payments, as compensation for the collection, sale, sharing or retention of personal information.
2. A record of each request is made as soon as it is received by our data protection team. IDT will use all reasonable measures to verify the identity of the individual making the request. We will utilize the requested data to ensure that we can verify your identity and where we are unable to do so, we may contact you for further information, or ask you to provide evidence of your identity prior to responding to your request. This is to protect your data and rights. If a third party, relative or representative is requesting the data on your behalf, we will verify their authority to act for you and may contact you and them to confirm your and their identity and to gain your authorization prior to responding to the request.
3. IDT will attempt to confirm receipt of each request by contacting the requestor either at the email or telephone number submitted, through the consumer’s account or by other electronic means. IDT will attempt to verify each request and if it is able to verify a request will provide a response within 45 days of the receipt of the request, which time period may be extended by IDT for an additional 45 days. If a delay is necessary, IDT will contact you within the original 45 day period and provide the reasons for the delay. IDT may charge a fee or refuse to act on any request that is manifestly unfounded or excessive.
4. All IDT responses shall be in writing and cover the previous 12 month period unless the consumer requests information beyond the 12 month period (only applies to personal information collected on or after January 1, 2022). Where possible the response shall be sent through the consumer’s account. Otherwise, the response shall be sent by mail or electronically. IDT is not obligated to provide a response to a consumer more than two times in any 12 month period.
5. The CCPA contains certain exemptions and exceptions to the exercise of some of these rights. If one or more of those exemptions or exceptions applies to your request, then we may not be able to act upon your request. Where possible we will inform you of the reasons for not acting upon your request.
6. By signing above, the consumer and/or the consumer’s representative is signing this document electronically and acknowledges that:
a. my electronic signature is the legal equivalent of my manual, handwritten signature on this document;
b. my signature on this document (my “E-Signature”) is as valid as if I had signed the document in writing;
c. no certification authority or other third party verification is necessary to validate my E-Signature; and
d. I am authorized to sign the document and acknowledge that I may request a paper version of the document by contacting IDT.